Cats, those mysterious animals, frequently appear to be happy to sleep all day.
Diabetes in Cats can be seen in felines of all ages, breeds and sexes and is commonly seen in overweight cats and senior cats.
You've anticipated the new arrival by 'kitten proofing' your home and had lots of fun choosing the carrier, bed, blanket, toys and other supplies they will need.
Use our handy new kitten checklist to ensure you are informed about everything you need to know about getting a new kitten.
If your cat’s an indoor cat, then microchipping might not be too high on your list of priorities. But if you regularly let your cats out, then microchipping can bring peace of mind.
This can be problematic, as not everybody wants more kittens running around the house.
The early stages of high blood pressure are not always obvious, and this disease is often referred to as ‘the silent killer’, because cats may appear fit and healthy until things progress so far that more serious problems occur.
There may be times when your cat becomes ill and your vet sends you home with some medication to administer.
If you notice anything different about your cats eyes, or are worried that they may have any of the conditions or symptoms listed in this article, you should seek veterinarian advice immediately. Call your local Calder Vets or call our Dewsbury Hospital on 01924 465592.
It is a common disease in adult cats and can affect both male and female felines.
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