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People think of “rabbit food”, and they think of salad. But like all animals, rabbits need to stick to a highly specific diet if they’re to stay healthy and happy. Find out more about your rabbits diet.
Wild rabbits don’t need to worry about their teeth. This is because the vast majority of their diet is composed of high quality grass and hay, with occasional leaves and twigs thrown in for good measure.
This adorable bundle of fluff is sure to bring you much joy. In return, you can make a contribution to your pet's longevity, happiness and quality of life by providing him/her with good nutrition, loving attention, a clean environment and regular check ups.
Whether you are getting a new baby bunny or adopting an older fluffy bundle of joy, make sure you are prepared for everything rabbit ownership can bring.
Most rabbits are considered geriatric by the age of 8. Even if he/she is basically healthy, age will take its toll. You may find your rabbit napping a lot more than usual, or a bit stiff to rise from their nap.
Flystrike is an unpleasant and distressing condition which occurs in the summer months when flies lay their eggs around a rabbits rear end.
What is Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD)? Sometimes also referred to as rabbit calicivirus disease (RCD) or viral haemorrhagic disease (VHD).
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