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having a kitten checklist

Use our handy new kitten checklist to ensure you are informed about everything you need to know about getting a new kitten. 


We recommend vaccinating all cats, whether you plan for them to be indoor or outdoor cats.  A primary course consists of two vaccinations given three weeks apart.  these can be started from 9 weeks of age.  Your kitten will receive a full health check from one of our vets to ensure they're fit and healthy and okay to start their vaccines. The vaccines protect against the following preventable diseases;

  • Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis
  • Feline Calicivirus
  • Feline Panleucopenia
  • Feline Leukaemis (FeLV)

We can also vaccinate against rabies and feline chlamydiosis.


Calder Vets works with Pet Plan and we can offer you 4 weeks free insurance cover against accident and illness, for your new kitten.  Ask us for more details when you bring your kitten to their first appointment


  • With so many stray and abandoned cats overwhelming re-homing centres and in need of a loving home across the country, neutering your cat is incredibly important
  • Neutering helps prevent unwanted litters in females, to reduce the risk of roaming and fights between Tom cats and reduce the spread of certain diseases
  • Traditionally performed at 6 months of age, but can be performed earlier in certain circumstances.  Our vets will be able to discuss your individual cats needs with you

For more information take a look at our neutering advice here.


We recommend that all cats are microchipped, this involves a small chip approximately the size of a grain of rice, being placed under the skin at the back of your cats neck.  This is a relatively painless procedure and with some cuddles and treats your cat will soon forget it's been done.  We often place microchips when your cat is under general anaesthetic when they're being neutered. Microchips provide a permanent identification for your cat, increasing the chances of you being reunited should your cat ever go missing.

Parasites - Flea and de-worming treatment

  • At first/second vaccine your kitten will receive a free dose of flea & worm treatment
  • Our vets and nurses will be able to recommend a tailored flea and worming protocol for your kitten, this usually consists of roundworm treatment monthly with tapeworm treatment being done every six months
  • Lifestyle factors such as being an indoor cat or an avid hunter will influence flea and worming treatment recommendations after 6 months of age, which we will discuss with you to ensure your cat is covered


  • A high quality complete food is the easiest way of ensuring optimum nutrition, which is essential for proper growth and development of your kitten
  • Our preferred diet is Hills Vet Essentials Science Plan. A starter pack is available for purchase at any of our branches.  We can offer lots of advice about your cats diet
  • Hills range of food can cater for different lifestyle needs, such as your cat living solely indoors as well as for different tastes such as wet or dry foods. The Hills range also allows the food to be tailored to the changing needs as they move from a kitten to an adult to a senior cat

We have some useful information about feline diet advice and all of our vets are able to offer tailored advice specific to your cat.