We recently received some great feedback from a client called Andrew about his experience with Calder Vets when his dog, Norah, suffered from a Lip Avulsion injury. The following, with full permission, is copied directly from Andrews Facebook page.
Winter Pet Care Advice: The Dangers of Antifreeze Poisoning in Cats
As UK temperatures continue to drop, pet care is more important than ever.
Ruby Returns Home Thanks to Pet Microchipping
When vet Lucy Feather’s cat Ruby went missing, she was utterly distraught. And when seven weeks passed since she last saw her beloved long-haired tortoiseshell, Lucy feared the worst.
Charlie’s like a puppy again
As part of the investigation we performed a blood test which revealed an increase in her kidney enzymes and abnormal electrolyte levels (an increase in her blood potassium and a reduction in her blood sodium levels). These changes on a blood profile can indicate kidney disease but can also indicate a condition called hypoadrenocorticism or
Poppy Breaks A Leg!
Poppy’s Diagnosis It was clear that the leg was broken so her owners rushed Poppy to their local vets. They examined her to make sure she had no other injuries and then took some radiographs of the leg. Poppy had fractures of her radius and ulna, one of the bones had penetrated the skin. A bandage
Jess The Cat Gets A Blood Transfusion
Jess was rushed into the practice one afternoon having collapsed. She had been quiet for the preceding few days and then had suddenly collapsed that morning.
Help us to fix Heidi
Heidi’s Deformed Leg Fundraising as already started and the initial part of her treatment as begun. On Thursday 29th of November 2012 Heidi was given a sedation and CT images where taken of her deformed leg. The pictures where then converted into a 3D image and sent to a company in America where a replica