Today is a sad day for Calder Vets, as we say goodbye to a very important member of our team. Louis Turner has been with us since 1991 as our resident builder. He’s built practices from the ground up and carried out extensive refurbishment work on all of our 12 practices. As well as being our go-to person for anything DIY related, he has also become a very good friend to all the Calder team and we’re heartbroken to see him go. On his last day with us, we held a small gathering at our Dewsbury Hospital to celebrate his retirement and before he left we had one last job for him… an interview with Hayley.
How long have you been working for us at Calder Vets?
Ooh I don’t know, it must be 30+ years (we checked and it’s 26 years, so we’ll let him have that one).
Who is your favourite person at Calder Vets?
I can’t possibly comment because you’re all so lovely, I don’t have a favourite. After being “pushed” on the subject by Tracy, Louis “decided” his favourite person was Tracy!
What has been your proudest achievement with us?
It definitely has to be the building of the Dewsbury Hospital, it was a huge challenge and felt fantastic when it was completed.
Which staff member would you say is the most hardworking?
Steve Dixon without a doubt, he’s worked so hard to put Calder Vets on the map.
A little cheeky question, who is the laziest person in the group?
Hahaha, I absolutely can’t answer that one, my life wouldn’t be worth living.
This one came directly from Tracy, is she still as beautiful as the first day you met her (Tracy wasn’t present when I asked this question)
Actually, she is yes. She has always been a really bubbly and enthusiastic person and she is exactly the same now as she was then. She’s always so happy.
Do you have, or have you had, a secret crush?
Laughing coyly he said “a vet who used to work here called Adele Trot”.
What has kept you at Calder for so many years?
Calder have been very good to me and we’ve worked well together for a lot of years. There have been some great times and a lot of laughs. It’s been great to see Calder Vets grow into what it has become today and I feel proud to have been a part of it.
What are you going to do with your free time?
We’ve had a house in France for three and a half years, so this summer we’ll be having a long holiday over there.
Who is the funniest Person here?
It has to be Katie Roberts, I don’t know if she realises the calls are recorded sometimes.
Finally, do you have a Top Tip for Calder Vets for the future?
Look after your existing staff! Everyone is lovely.
Even on his last day we still had him putting up some pictures for us. Thank you for everything you’ve done for Calder Vets Louis, enjoy your retirement!